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Product Number:A01203/A01202
Detailed introduction

Precursor Chemical is a kind of chemical to be used to illegally manufacture narcotics. Includes raw material,regent,solvent,catalyst, and additives etc.

According to the control rule of Precursor Chemical, Precursor Chemical are sorted to three categories,24 kinds. The first category are used to synthesis narcotics like Ice, Amphetamine and Ecstasy, include ephedrine, methyl ephedrine, phenylpropanolamine, piperonal ,safroles, 3, 4 - methyl two phenyl - 2 - acetone oxygen, isosafrole etc.the second  & third categories include  toluene, alhydred, phenyl acetic acid, ether, acetone, chloroform, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid etc.

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